pirahna feeding


Big fish
Nov 15, 2003
Reaction score
Anchorage Alaska
All I seem to hear from pirahna owners is "why don't you feed it to my pirahna", "I bet my pirahna will eat it", "yes my pirahna ate that", and "... So I fed it to my pirahna ha ha ha" What has caused this obsesion with pirahnas eating fish? and more importantly wherw can I find a filter to block it out

:D pcn
Ya know that's funny...
I have 6 red bellies and I get really sick of people saying those things to me! :)
My daughter has 3 baby gerbils and I was asking a friend of he knew anyone that wanted them. And what's the first thing he said?
"I bet your Piranha's will eat them".
It is a unforunate fact that there are people who only keep fish so they can watch them kill and eat other fish :( Theres no need for it and it dosent do the fish any good really, i have 2 payara which in the wild eat pirahna but i dont feel the need to chuck the odd RBP in for their entertainment :(
well, just so you know, yes i did say my piranha's would eat that puffer, but i only said it once, and as a joke. I hope you understand that i am actually very mature about piranhas, i mean, check out my new post called "The cutest goldish ever", in odd-ball's institute!

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