Originated from India, the Red Nose Shrimp has a unique slender transparent body with a long bright red rostrum, which attributed to its nickname – Pinocchio Shrimp. A health male shrimp has completely clear body and red markings on the rostrum, tail and body, although the female species is smaller and may be less colored.
Yup thats them, I picked 3 of them up today. Looks like I have 2 big males and a little female. Pity they dont breed in freshwater. I just got the 3 cos they were pretty expensive (£3.50 each).
I also got 2 zebra nerite snails (£1.20 each! score) and 3 baby panda garras
Paisley Rd in Glasgow, theres 4 shops in walking distance. The one that gets the cool stuff in is called Coral Reef but the other shops quite often get in some gems.