My neon dwarf gourami has had a furry top lip for a little while now. When I first noticed it I treated the tank with melafix and it seemed to go. I finished treatment after the recommended 7 days and did a water change.
Next day, his lip was furry again, so I started treatment again, but seem to think it will just come back again.
I've done a bit of research into mouth fungus, but all descriptions describe it as a cotton like white growth. This is pink though, and I can't find any reference to pink fungus.
Any ideas?
Next day, his lip was furry again, so I started treatment again, but seem to think it will just come back again.
I've done a bit of research into mouth fungus, but all descriptions describe it as a cotton like white growth. This is pink though, and I can't find any reference to pink fungus.
Any ideas?