Pink Danios?


New Member
Aug 6, 2011
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So i ran across some pink danios in my LFS. Is there any way to tell if they are GloFish or if they have been dyed? Do the two look different? I live in California and GloFish are illegal but i know that in LA if something is illegal you can still usually find it. So, is there any way to tell if they are genetically bred or dyed? I would be interested in getting some of they are genetically created globefish but not if they are dyed.
They should be glofish. Pink danios are genetically modified.

I think one way to test is to put a blacklight underneath and see if they glow. :huh:

Here's a link to another thread on this: here
Glofish were created in the 1950s by genetically modifying Zebra Danios, to glow in the presence of radiation, not a backlight. ;)
so you believe that the pink danios' are in fact glofish? is this documented somewhere? i'm in california and found them at a very reputable dealer. sad.
Does it look like this if so you have a Mettalic pink zebra danio

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