Pink Catfish Is Boated With A Bad Attiitude


New Member
Mar 5, 2007
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Hello, I am new to the group, good to see that all groups fight .. any hoo my question is about my pink catfish, he is about a year or so old. I noticed he kept getting rounder looking and he was acting freaky. If I turned off the lights for the night .. then at 6 am in the morning I would turn them on.. he was all over the place freaking out.. just drove all my other fish nuts too.

I have a small gray catfish but don't remember the name.. and a kind of loach fish that is a bottom feeder but swims like a fish .. he likes to fight with my gray bottom feeder which I call lil'bittyboy.. don't know if it is a boy or not..
I separated the pink catfish and gave it my 3 gal Eclipse tank. he mostly just sits in a corner or hides in the water art I have for him. I tried to keep it simple. I looked up this bloated thing and it said that he would have these spores floated out of him.. passing this disease to other fish but I haven't seen anything going down with the other fish. I have barbs & a few tetras.. & one 3 gal tank for my Betta.

I would like to say one thing about pet stores selling Betta fish. to the lay person we do not know the fish diseases that they have. what looks like a beautiful marking on their little face will and usually turns out to be a disease in its last stages.. where you can spend a hundred dollars getting medication to keep the loving human like fish alive only later on .. say 6 or so much.. before the damage that the ICK had done .. the internal things to the kidneys & bladder & other body parts.
You know it is over when your sweet loved sweety pie scales stand straight up like a porcupine.. he won't eat.. just get bloated and wait to die. most go quickly after this happens.. MI-Kai.. my Betta's name took 3 weeks to meet & swim with the fishies.. I helped him but we made a deal.. when he was ready I would help him by lowering the water temp so low that he would pass away very quickly.. I cried a lot over his death.. but i blame the PETCO store for selling me a sick fish.. one that I got attached to.
I am a shut in due to a stroke and I have my fish for a hobby & to help give me something to live for..

another lie is that Bettas like to stay in small bowls.. they don't and they don't like huge tanks either.. they don't like to be in tanks with other fish although they put up with it..
they hate bubbles... and will go into shock .. an die in 24 hours or less. NOT all of them but for the most part a lot of them.

Betta's don't even like their tanks changed around a lot.. I am like that person on the board who changes out half of my tank.. considering I have the Eclipse model .. it stays clean.. then I use a turkey baster to get their poop..

I wash their plastic or silk plants in salt water & rinse real well with bottled double osmosis then replace them. the trick I think to a long living Betta is a clean tank. Also very little gravel on the floor of the tank.. use those flat marbles.. an only say half of cup of those. LESS IS BETTER.. other wise you have to dig for poo..

QUESTION FOR OTHER BETTA LOVERS .. does anyone know what that brownish stuff on the inside of the tank wall is? it reminds me of diarrhea? I Know I over fed my fish too much at first.. they always act so hungry. But with some study i see that they act that way so I ignore their begging for food. their little tummies are only as big as the size of their eye.

Now I just have trouble with Charlie my pink catfish. He is so bloated but like I said he is still eating & yet he isolates him self. once & a while he skates through the gang in the 6 gal tank.

I also wanted to warn people who use tanks with filters like the Eclipse that real plants have those cute but pesky snails & their eggs on the plants, some places even have the eggs on the fish.. well, these pests destroy the filter system on the Eclipse filtration systems. When you go to replace them the cost almost as much as the complete aquarium . I know dune it ..

Also they do not have heaters and when I asked about them I was told that they did not require heaters. Well, the water seemed to go from really warm to cold.. I know that is not good for fish.
so for the 6 gal I ordered a 50 watt which went higher.. for 14.00 bucks.. & for my 3 gal I am getting here this week I hope. 25 watt good for up to 5 gal tank. this should regulate my tanks and my Betta should feel better at 76 degrees at all times.. same as my 6 gal.. up to 80 degrees.
I am tired of losing my beloved fish. I don't have many.. they know their names and come to me when I call them.

Bettas are almost human. When Mi-Kai died I gave him an Egyptian type burial & he is with me always.. " only the good die young"

Another thing the pet stores don't tell the new Betta owner is that most of them only live 2 to 3 years. We don't know how old they are in the pet store .. so we have know idea of how long they will live. It isn't such a good fish for a child in my book.

If anyone has info about bloat.. on a Pink catfish.. let me know. I am still searching.. I know it isn't good but if there is a medication to make him well I would like to do so and treat my other bottom eating fish who have been in contact with him.

well thanks for allowing me to release my stress and even anger at the pet store corporations who sell sick fish & know it.. brings us back to keep buying medications. then more fish..

I am going to find me a nice little mom & pop fish store.. there are still a few left in this town of Topeka KS..

peace to all

Can you get any pics of this pink catfish? Until you know exactly what it is, the way you are caring for it could be the cause of its bloating for all you know and meds won't change a thing, so its vital to ID this catfish so you can care for it properly.
Agreed, im struggling to think of many catfish that could live in a 6gal happily

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