Well, overhere the socalled flamingu pingu guppy. Most call them just pingu guppy. It's a pink based guppy just like panda guppies.
They're beautiful to look at. This fancy strain does exsist already a serious number of years. But in the beginning they weren't sold so well as the past few years.
The female overhere was the only one that didn't mind filming is not an original female but a magenta female. I wanted her to mate with those pingus and once she's ready to drop fry, she will be kept seperate from the others.
Above: Male pingu
Below: Female pingu
They're beautiful to look at. This fancy strain does exsist already a serious number of years. But in the beginning they weren't sold so well as the past few years.
The female overhere was the only one that didn't mind filming is not an original female but a magenta female. I wanted her to mate with those pingus and once she's ready to drop fry, she will be kept seperate from the others.
Above: Male pingu
Below: Female pingu