Another new created strain of mine is what I´ve named "Pineapple endler". It's also a blonde based hybrid strain. The males will color more yellow on the blonde base. If you look at the females and compare them with the males, you do see that the male has turned yellow. I just like to make this clear for in the past someone said that if the base color is blonde and the color that will cover the body is yellow, you wouldn't be able to tell the difference. Well, I can tell you that there is a difference between blonde and yellow.
A male will show yellow on his body and a orange mark on his shoulder. Black bar endler has been used in this line as well but the black bar marking is subtle. And some white is to be seen.
A male will show yellow on his body and a orange mark on his shoulder. Black bar endler has been used in this line as well but the black bar marking is subtle. And some white is to be seen.