Pimp my Ride


Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
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San Diego, California, USA
lol ... We have a show here in the U.S. called "Pimp my Ride." A famous rapper randomly picks someone who has a trashy car and spends 30K USD on their horrible car. Well ... one of the lucky people to be picked to be on the show happened to like gold fish. The custom shop thought it would be a great idea to put an aquarium in his car.

That they did. I was half horrified and half laughing ... it looked like they stuck 2 fancy goldfish in what looked like a 1.5USg enlarged betta hex. The person who put it in said that the fish would be auto fed pellets every hour on the hour :S and the poor fish were nestled in-between two massively large 12" sub-woofers. They installed it with a bit of permanency, that is, there was no way to easily change the water.

Poor goldfish ...
I saw sometring recently where an American woman drank a goldfish bowl and swallowed a few live goldfish for a couple of hundred dollars.

Some people's greed makes me sick
I remember on Jackass, another U.S. show from the same network, MTV ...

one of the guys, Steve-O, swallowed a goldfish whole then vommited him back out..

he was still alive :( poor guy
I saw that Pimp my Ride where they did that! I told my husband, "If anyone on my fish forums sees this we'll have a hay day!" That was a neat idea, but horrible to actually do, no water changes and all that food! When they die it will be interesting to get them out :crazy:
The MTV mistreatment is almost as bad as the mindless fraternity viewers who get piss ass drunk, go to walmart, and swallow a few feeders to make their friends chuckle. It looks cool on tv in some pimped car, but it's nowhere near practical, and at least it had some good intentions. People who swallow goldfish for fun are just idiots. I have nothing against frat guys - I was one, but neither I nor my brothers had to harm animals to have fun. College stupidity should come at one's own expense, not a fish's.

I also wonder if those fish will make it to their first 100 degree summer day :sick:
Oh my gosh Noelberg! I didn't even think about temperature-seeing as the show is in LA, think ho hot it's gonna get inside a car! That is sick!
I really doubt its a perminant setup, no matter how "good" it looked.

They will have it empty most of the time, only whacking the fish in when they are off to show off the car :)
Doubt it Malt Vinegar....my bet's on that they'll just be treated as replaceable furniture....poor little guys :( Wonder what'll happen when they run out of feed in the auto-feeder, if they'll notice, or even be able to get in there to fix it. How depressing.....people can be so stupid!!
now that I think of it, the guy that owns the car did say that he "liked" goldfish. we could just pray he knows what to do with them and promptly removes them lol ...
Regrettably, I've killed more than my fair share of fish in my efforts to learn more about this hobby. This fish tank in a car thing is just senseless though, there is no possible way that the fish are going to survive in such a situation. Feeding them every hour, and wedging them between 2 blaring speakers? What are people thinking? :( :( :( Poor fish.

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