Pim Pictus


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
Reaction score
Cheshire, UK
Hi, just wondering if i could have pims in my 38G tank?
Would you surrgest 3, or as some say, would one be ok on its own?
Theres so much conflicting info about stocking pims that im abit confused... :X

Thanks, Mikey
Well would there be a significant differance in behaviour?
Id like them to be active as possable, so if id need to get 3 then so be it...

Thanks alot, MIkey
I doubt your tank has the footprint they would need :/

IMO a minimun of a 4'x1' footprint.
They only get to about 5"...
The footprint is 81x36cm..
Surrpose they are very active...

6" and they are very active and need alot of swimming space. So 32" ish x 14" ish, when IMO they need 48"x12" +
People do say 6", but to me i think thats the max...Often fish are just under the max.
For example, look on planetcatfish, and youll see that they say that Pim Pictus get to 4.7"...Allthough some may get bigger, i doubt all or even 80% will get to 6" :/

Anyway, if they need that big of a tank, then i wont get any, thanks jayjay :good:

Well you have to consider maximum size, what it gets to it's full size and you've been hoping it won't etc.

Anyway, no worries.
Yeah true. Allright, if you think theyre too acrive i wont get any, allthough they are beautiful fish.. :drool: :D

Thanks alot, Mikey
In my opinion they need a minimum of 4ft tank and 50 gallons ++

I had one in a 3ft 50 gallon and it went mental and totally stressed out because it didn't have the space it needed to swim (ala kamikaze style). They do really also need to be in groups of 3+

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