Pim Pictus With An Oscar


Do ya feel lucky punk?
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 16, 2004
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Hi all,

I currently have a 5" Juvie Oscar in my 125 gal with 3 Bala's and 3 Plecs. My question is are Pictus big enough to cope with a full grown Oscar? It is my intention to add 3 pretty much full grown pictus now but are they big enough to not be seen as food when the Oscar reaches its full size?

Thanks in advance
I see no problem at all, a pim. pictus can far out-swim an oscar, they are extremely quick and so the oscar would present no problem to them.

I would consider getting 5 as they do great in a group although i would then consider the tank fully stocked taking into account adult sizes.

I went with 3 Pim Blochii in the end, got them yesterday. They hid most of the day but this morning they were happily swimming around with everyone else, nice fish. :)
Thats cool, I have 2 of those myself. Just remember they get bigger than pictus, around 10-12".

Yep, no more additions to the tank, thats it now.
Not wanting to contradict Ben in any way, as i have limieted experience with Oscars...

However my friend had a huge tiger Oscar and he was very aggressive.
Although im sure the pictus could outswim the Oscar, im not sure if the Oscar would tolerate it?
I mean the oscar just dug up anything that was static, even a large Plec had to be removed - he had nowhere to hide!

Just thought id chip my experiences in anyhow!
You would get behaviour like that from an Oscar usually either if it has been kept in cramped conditions, or it has had no tank mates for a long time.

I wouldnt think an Oscar would try to have a go at a Pim catfish because they occupy quite different terratories, and therefore if you provide bogwood or a similar shelter for the catfishes there should be no terratory disputes.

I have seen various pim cats kept in lots of oscar tanks that have had no problems..


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