Pike Topminnows


Fish Fanatic
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hertforshire, UK
They have got 4 of these (I suspect all female) in my LFS. I am sorely tempted by them but just wondered if anyone has any first had experience as info on the web is sparse and contradictory!

Many thanks

It all depends on whether they are tank-bred or wild-caught, and more specifically, whether they have been given non-live fish foods from day 1.

As I understand it, most of the stock available in the UK comes from the Czech Republic and elsewhere in Europe. So that's a good thing. Juveniles will take live mosquito larvae and the like, and as they grow up if they are rigidly given nothing else but alternative foods, they remain "easy" to feed. If they're ever given live fish, then going back to frozen or insect foods is extremely difficult.

If in doubt: ask the retailer to feed them. If they go for alternative foods, you're fine.

Belonesox is highly cannibalistic at all stages of growth. Females commonly eat the much smaller males. Hence, it's much more common to see females than males.

Cheers, Neale
Thats great neale, thank you for that. Do you know a max adult size for the females? I have found info stating anything from 6 to 10 inches. They are currently around the 3/4" mark, would they be able to be housed with fish around the 2" mark and upwards or would it just be asking for trouble? Also do you have any idea of their growth rate?

Thanks again, Lauren
In captivity females appear to get to about 15 cm, tops. Males rarely exceed 10 cm in captivity, and they're also rather slender, and together these things male them very prone to being eaten!

They are tricky to mix with other fish. They will try and eat anything smaller than they are. You could mix them with larger brackish water fish (such as spotted sleeper gobies or Colombian shark catfish) but you'd then run against the problem of feeding them. Because they're stealth predators, they wait for food to come into range -- and other fish may well simply take the food too quickly for the poor old pikes to stand much chance.

They grow quickly when well fed, and reach adult size within a year. There are useful summaries of their ecology and biology here and here.

Cheers, Neale

Thats great neale, thank you for that. Do you know a max adult size for the females? I have found info stating anything from 6 to 10 inches. They are currently around the 3/4" mark, would they be able to be housed with fish around the 2" mark and upwards or would it just be asking for trouble? Also do you have any idea of their growth rate?

Thanks again, Lauren
Sadly they may not be the right fish for me then :(

But if anyone else is interested in them they have 4 females at Maidenhead aquatics in St.Albans. 3 look in reasonable health but the 4th looks a little ropey. Think they are about £8 each. Very interesting fish!

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