Pike Cichlid


Leader of the Fishes
Feb 8, 2003
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I saw some very attractive pike cichlids in one of my lfs today which were called Jewel pike cichlids,knowing that our 5 year old knows more about fish than the people who work there i decided not to buy but to look it up at home first to see if it would be compatable.The only trouble is i cant find anything called that in any of my books,i have found one that looks similar which only has a latin name Crenicichla notophthalmus but before i make any decisions i need to ask a few questions.
1:Is there another species of pike cichlid called a jewel pike.
2:The book says that this species only reaches 6",would it be a suitable addition to my large community tank (average size of fish 6")or would it cause serious GBH to my other fish.
3:Do i need to get a pair or are they happy to be kept alone (very dubious about adding pairs of cichlids,they get nasty when theyre broody)

I believe at one time C. saxatilis was referred to as the "jewel pike".

Here is a link to a very good site about pike cichlids.....enjoy!!!!!!!

Pike Cichlids

Great site,cheers CM,i'm almost certain now that they were C.notophthalmus.One thing that wasn't gone into (if it was i over looked it )was how this species reacts to large non cichlid tank mates ie Balas,large Pimeloids and Polypterus sp,any personal opions would be appreciated,ive pushed my luck and got away with it in the past but it has to run out some time and i'd hate to see my fish damaged due to a wrong call from me,my experiance and knowledge of cichlids is very limited so any info would help. :D
Where have all the cichlid people gone?Most popular section in the forum and its like a ghost town :lol: :lol: :lol:
try anything but make sure that you have a back up plan if things do not go well. have mixed lakes and put africans with sa/ca. got lucky also. :rolleyes:


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