Piiranah setup


New Member
Oct 28, 2004
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i have a 90cmx 38cmx 30cm tank and i am thinking of setting it up for piiranahs what do i need and what do i need to know??
First of all a larger tank would be best, a 30g is not big enough to keep any species of pirahna. The minimum size i would suggest would be a 55g.
The tank should be set up with many tall pieces of bogwood and fake plants at the surface to cut down the light, pirahnas like their tanks dark and gloomy.
Piranha tanks of 30 is cool i had one for 3 years in one

it will grow dam close it full size good chance will grow full size

they don't like light because of their eyes

good size if buy more then one they will eat each other

till one is left ( i bought two only one lifed )

If get !!!!!! donot feed live fish all the time !

i had to get up a 20gal jusat to keep feeder fish ( pain in ass)

Mealworm,krill,beefheart,worms, can even feed ciclid Pellets best way

fish like twice a month

Just gave to cuz because it gets old Some won't even eat in front of u

Mine ate after i left !!!!

Oscars are great they are smart and are cool as hell
Yhea a 55 gallon like cfc said would be a minimum except mabe if u kept a solo red or something, but the best thing to do is go for the 55 with heavy filtration and try to get 3 rb because when you have 2 they compete with each other till one kills the other (in alot of cases), that’s why 3 would be better so the aggression is more spread out.
A 30g tank should be fine if you get them small. If you get them get atleast 4-5 so they have company. They school. They will only eat each other if they are really hungry, so unless you plan on not feeding your fish this should not be a problem. If you want pirahnas go for it just plan on moving them to a lrger tank down the road.
Have you people got no sense of proportion?! :crazy:

You would really keep a + 30cm (even up 35cm) fish in 30 cm wide tank? I mean what the hell is your major malfunction?? He wouldn't be even able to turn around!!

55 gal? Not even close enough, they are schooling fish which in wild live in schools of thousands!

And yes, they will eat each other when treated bad. Here's all the errors you can make: too few, too small tank, wrong nutrition, wrong conditions. They act bad because they are treated bad and stressed, unable to carry out their natural behaviour (such as swimming :angry: ).

They are big, strong swimmers and messy. I mean, 55 gal!?
You would be drowning in #### in couple of days. They eat a lot, they poo a lot, ok? When fish poo a lot, the water gets bad soon, ok? When the tank is small, it gets bad even quicker, ok?

250 gal. is an absolute minumum for a school of 6 individuals.
what the hell are u all talkin bout in a group of 5 ,55 gal is fine they will probly only be 3 left in bout 2 months any way.
regardless of how well fed how clean the water is how well their treated pirahnas are goana kill off the smaller weaker links theirs gona be a head fish that does what ever he / she wants if the other pirahnas piss it off then they get bit my water conditions are perfect and my pirahnas still bite each other . they even bite each other when theirs 30 feeders in the tank u dont need a seperate tank for feeder either feed them black worms when thir young so they dont have 2 chase them and rosey reds when they get biger if you dont have a canister filter then dont feed them big er fish because it will make a hell of a mess make shore u get a pleco because the will eat left over fish parts if u dont feed them they will jump the smallest or slowest or a injured 1 if u realy dont want them to bite each other get a chaser fish1-2 inch gold fish keeplike 4 of them in the tank at all times if posible but even than they may bit each other their gona be afraid of ur hand in the tank till their about 4 inchs big then they my get the curage to try and bit u so try to keep ur hands out cuz thier teeth are sharper than they look and at that size their mouth can open prety wide

:fish: sorry if i was harsh:fish:

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