

Fish Addict
Jul 5, 2009
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I brought 2 pictus cats yesterday (ill buy another 2 in a few weeks) but scince i put them in they ave been nowhere near the bottom of the tank, they swim right by the surface!

Is this normal?

they are only small about 1.5"
they are very active fish. I have one in my 47g community tanks and that's the only one I would put in there. I hope you have a big tank. They get to about 6" long.
Daft question, what is your substrate, these guys to best on sand or smooth gravel.
OK that rules out them not liking the substrate :lol:

My 4 tend to go all over the tank, I have it split with half with smooth gravel half bare bottomed, the go nuts up and down the bare bottomed section!!!, seems odd they are constantly at the top though. If its not the substrate then I can help, sorry :sad:
I thought maybe as they are so small they are scared of the bigger fish and all the tetras comming over to investergate?
mine stay close to the bottom all day until the food arrives and then all bets are off lol, sounds like they are just exploring the space so would not worry :good: and you will love having 4 of these guys they are a lot of fun
mine stay close to the bottom all day until the food arrives and then all bets are off lol, sounds like they are just exploring the space so would not worry :good: and you will love having 4 of these guys they are a lot of fun
I got another 2 and they have now moved away from where they were and seem to be more active around the tank :good:and they are great to watch! :lol:

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