
They are beautiful fish and extremely active! Try getting a couple more if you can as they do best in groups of 3+.

Oh, pics needed too!!!
They are beautiful fish and extremely active! Try getting a couple more if you can as they do best in groups of 3+.

Oh, pics needed too!!!

HOW the hell do you picture a fish that moves ALL the time!!!

as to geting a few he seems to hang out with my red-lined torpedos and the 4 of them shoal!!! need to work out my stocking figures as i want another bala. and im likely to get another Red-line. And in our travels i saw a spotted ctenapoma (in Black and white not brown.) so we want 2 of them too.
:lol: With great difficulty!!!
Your tank will be fine with another two Pictus as they only reach 5"-6". As long as they have hiding places, they will be fine together. You'll find that they play with each other and occasionally have a chase but it's fantastic to watch.
As for the Red-lines, they are beautiful fish. We've just brought 7 for our tank and the colours are amazing!
:lol: With great difficulty!!!
Your tank will be fine with another two Pictus as they only reach 5"-6". As long as they have hiding places, they will be fine together. You'll find that they play with each other and occasionally have a chase but it's fantastic to watch.
As for the Red-lines, they are beautiful fish. We've just brought 7 for our tank and the colours are amazing!

Red-lines just radiate colour and shimmer!!

Our pictus has found or powerjet!!! he now won't leave it alone.....

Oh, For you!!!

Thankyou kind sir. :*
Not a bad picture, in fact, I'm really impressed!
Mine just seem to come out as blurs!!!
Now I'm really hacked off!!!
Look forward to more pictures once you've got your new camera! ;)
Now I'm really hacked off!!!
Look forward to more pictures once you've got your new camera! ;)

By the new cam or that i used a mobile phone!!! to admit the sony phones have great cams on them. My phone is a HTC PDA and its a 3MP and the sony 2MP is FAR better.

Also you don't see the 300 blured photos it took to get it!!!!!
:lol: Impressed by both really!
My phone is so "old" now and the photo quality is poor. Can't bring myself to part with it though.
Yes they are very cool!! Mine are very active and hardy as well. When my Jack Dempsey chases other fish they swim away the pictus doesnt care he just swims along side him thinking its some kind of game. They seem to have no fear at all.
Yes they are very cool!! Mine are very active and hardy as well. When my Jack Dempsey chases other fish they swim away the pictus doesnt care he just swims along side him thinking its some kind of game. They seem to have no fear at all.

Mine has taken to swiming under our gouramis and batting them with his feelers..... LOL none respond to it!!!
off topic really, but behold - do you still have all harlequin tetras? aren't pictus predatory and eat small fish? Just asking cause I like it but have guppies and people told me they would get eaten...
I have two of these. They are very interesting fish. They are constantly patrolling their turf chasing intruders away if they get too close. They don't mind the gourami though, one of the pictus shares the hiding spot with the gourami sometimes.

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