Pictus With Whitespot


Fish Fanatic
Nov 2, 2007
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Now i have read all i can about the treament of whitespot, including all of those posts on this website.
Im just curious as to the chances of survival for an extremely freaked out fish. My pictus has only just got whitespot ever since the fish store that i bought it from had no idea how to catch a fish and happened to stress it to death when trying to scoop him up. So, he has whitespot now, and ive encountered whitespot before but definately not to the same extent. He is absolutely covered!! its all over his mouth, body, barbs, fins, everywhere and it seems to be worrying him an awful lot because he hasn't sat still since it began to show. He generally hides under a log when i turn my lights on in the morning, but lately he hasn't even paused to stop shooting up and down the tank even for a moment! Im so worried about him because i know he's stressing which means its not going to get better any time soon. I really dont want to loose him, but im running out of options of how to 'de-stress' him.
Bless him got it bad.
Have you raised the temp to 30 and increased aeration with the high temp and med.

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