Pictus Should I Get More?


May 30, 2006
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I have just got 2 pictus catfish and they are hideing alot
They come out for food
Should i get 2 more?
It all depends on how big your tank is. Tell us how big your tank is. I would suggest and get a fourline cat if you do get more. Because if you add some more pictus they will fight till some die. So I suggest you add a fourline and a ornate. Oh yeah what are the pictus living with??

its a trigon 350
they are living with :
2 bannded leporinus
1 yoyo
hard to get good photos sorry


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no i havnt yet but i might next week some time

by the way they starting to come out more
they come out when i turn out 1 set of lights so it is slightly darker in the tank
no i havnt yet but i might next week some time

by the way they starting to come out more
they come out when i turn out 1 set of lights so it is slightly darker in the tank
Yeah,well thats good that come out. :good: You know why? Its because pictus and other catfish are noctrumal.(Which means that they are active at night). Are they eating??
Be sure you have some caves in your aquarium for them to hide in - at least 2 so they can each have their own!! Of course mine just fight over the 1 big one, even thought there are 2 others!! It took my 2 quite awhile to come out when I first got them and even now, I only see them at feeding time or lights out. But, once the lights go out, they are swimming all over the place!!
You should also look in too getting a few more yoyo's as they like to be in groups!!
Hi Dan,

The advice I got when I was looking at a south american set up was that if I wanted to have some pictus, then I should get a group of 5 or 6 as they are a sociable fish that live in shoals in the wild. I was also told that I shouldn't put them with timid fish either as feeding time tends to be a frenzy and they also have a mad half hour everyday.



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