New Member
I have a 55 gallon tank. In it I have two black convicts, three tiger barbs and an angel. On two seperate occasions I have had two pictus cats that have died. I cannot understand why. I had just tested the water and the ph level was at 7.0, ammonia level was 0.0, nitrite level was at 0.0 but the nitrate level was really high at 80. My water temperature holds steady at 80 degrees. I have had the other fish for a long time and they are all doing well. Could the high nitrate level be the culprit for the demise of my catfish. Both times I have had the cats they were doing fine the night before, I get up in the morning and its lying on the bottom. A week later the next cat dies the same way. I love those type of cats but do not wish to get anymore until I figure out whats going on. I would appreciate any help or advice on this matter. Thanks