Pictus Problems?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 13, 2004
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United Kingdom
I have two Pictus catfish they are very shy and spend most of the day hiding only coming out to swim up and down the back of the tank and I mean up from the top and down to the bottom again and again!! Are the nuts? Or do they all do this? They eat well mind anything that touches the bottom of the tank isn't there long! Are they nocturnal cos they seem to be more active when the lights go out?
Sounds like pretty normal Pictus behavior to me, except maybe the hiding part. Pictus catfish are extremely hyperactive fish, and very entertaining to watch. Unlike most bottom feeders, these guys seem to like WHOLE tank--not just the bottom!!!
I got my pictus about 2 weeks ago now (or so)...the first 3 to 5 days he stayed pretty much in the upper left hand corner of the tank. Every 10 minutes or so he'd go for a cruise around the very top of the tank along the edge, then end up in his corner and stay there.

When it was feeding time he'd go into a frenzy and cruise the entire tank, very fast.

It was only a few days ago when he started hanging out in the bottom of the tank, he rarely even goes to the top anymore except if there are blood worms up there.

It's possible they just take a while to get used to the tank and 'claim' their spot at the bottom? But I don't know, I am far far from an expert.

Just thought I'd let ya know I had a similar experience. He is still hyperactive and fun to watch, he just seems more comfortable now at the bottom.

Thanks for these I've had them both for about 5 months now and I guess there fairly normal then. Your right about the speed thing though!! There fast arn't they! My two seem to spend a lot of time sitting in the corner of the tank?
I got a pictus a week ago! mine is constantly out! even with my light on. He swims around everywhere. I guess thats because i have ALOT of oxygen in my tank. 12% actually, when there is so much oxygen they act like they are stoned, For example i put a ball in there and he will play with it non stop! lol its cool, try it out and see. I learnt it from the fish farm i work at. This trout tank had WAY to much oxygen, they were jumping out the water, going nuts! it isnt bad, they quite injoy it :D
hahahaha :rofl:

wow. i wish my fish were stoned. :p

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