Pictus Catfish +?


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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Hey all, not sure where to put this, but would pictus catfish be able to live peacefully with African cichlids?
Yup, I used to have some with my mbuna until unfortunately a bacterial infection wiped them out. The only hard part is getting them extra protein since they are carnivores. I achieved this by giving them brine shrimp once a week (by not feeding it often, it doesn't bother the mbuna), and they also got a boost by cleaning up any fry.
Ya, i think so. Pictus catfish though you will need to be careful abut using a net with them. There fins easily get tangled in the netting. I suggest using a cup and lureing them into it. I got that info from a book.
It is generally not recomended to keep catfish and Cichlids from different continents together as their habbitats and requirements are often very different. I would suggest one of the African Synodontis species to go with African Cichlids.
hi,yes i think they would be compatible pictus catfish are very tough and are capable of sticking up for its self
Thank you CFC, I've already got 1 syno cat in the tank, but I've got 4 pictus cats that I either need to give away, sell off or tansfer into a tank where they won't be killed.
I'm with CFC on this. If I were in your position, I would get another tank or find a home for the fish. With Africans as picky as they are about water...I'd imagine that the pictus' won't be happy with the water either. LOL
The main trouble with mixing continents is that fish arent evolved to co exist with each other, take a look at the African catfishes and you will find they have short stubby barbels, armour plating on the head back to the gills and thick tough spines on their pectoral and dorsal fins, this protects them from the advances of nippy Cichlids. With the exception of plecs and Doradids South American catfishes dont have these defences and have soft easily damaged fins and bodies and long thin barbels which leaves them open to attacks.

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