Pictus Catfish Tankmates

Well this is more or less what I have had with mine over time (or still have)
Red Rainbows
Neon Rainbows
An assortment of other catfish
Rummy Nose Tetras (fully grown, as the smaller young ones got eaten!)
Bleeding Heart Tetras

But really most things that won't easily fit into it's mouth :)
Could a Gold, Blue, Giant, Opaline, Pearl, or Blue Paradise Gourami live with a Pictus?
I really can't see any problems with that at all - just as long as they are not teenie tiny babies or else he'll have them for dinner ! though that depends on the pictus size too of course.
Pims and Gouramis should be fine...They inhabit different levels of a tank and i've kept a blue 3spot gourami with 5 pictus and never had a problem. Pims are not overly aggressive and will usually co-exist peacefully with a wide range of community fish....The general rule is no fish under 3" and you should be sailing.

ScoutCarcer said:
Do Gouramis and Swordies get along?
Yep in general they should be fine too.
I have one swordie male who's a real bully in my tank though - even to larger fish :angry: he's treading on thin ice....

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