Pictus Cat


Fish Fanatic
Apr 17, 2008
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I dont know much about cat fish, but I have owned pictus cats for years.
I have moved so often that I could never really see mine grow.
I have one in a 55 gallon tank. He is currently 3-3.5 inches long and I purchased him about 4 months ago.
How big will he get in this tank and how long will that take?
Which one do you have?

The monster which will grow to 2ft or the 5" one?!

A tank size may stop the fish from growing to its maximum size but it does it by stunting (think Chinese girls' feet being bound). Some survive it some don't, general advice is to always start off with a tank big enough or upgrade in a timely manner so that the fish always has plenty of room. If you've got the smaller fish then you've got plenty of room; smithRC used to have them (don't know if he still has any) so he may have some info about lifespans and time to adulthood. If it's the larger then CFC keeps one of these, he'll know about how long they take to reach the full size and how much swimming space they need.

Hope that's of help. :good:

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