Pictus Cat, Update And Bubbles.


New Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Your shoe, California
Just a quick update, I finally got a new tank or my pictus cat 8D It's only a 10gal which I know is still to small but, it's all I had room for and all I could actually afford when I went down to but it. and I finally got pictures of the bubbles, anyoen know anything about this?

And It's not the filter P: Cause he did it in the other tank completely opposite to where the filter was at.

Bubble (Click)
Iam not sure but looks to me like bubbling which sometimes occours if to much water safe is used, might be wrong but looks suddy like mine did once when i spilt aload into my tank by mistake
Hmm, I don't think it's that, I don't really use a whole lot, I put way under the amount it says to and let the water cycle awhile before putting fish in so.. :3 But mehbee I'm just curious cause he hangs around there a lot P:

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