Pictus Cat (suitable Tankmates)


Formerly: Catfish Are Cool
Apr 30, 2006
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Cheshire, UK
Hi, i am planning on buying a 24"x12"x15"(13 UK Gal) tropical set-up, and hopefully would like to add a couple of Pictus Cat into the aquarium. Would it be possable? And if so how many could i keep?
i dont really want to keep a species only tank, so are there any suitable tankmates that i could keep with them? thanks alot :)
Sorry that tank is far too small. Picturs are incredibly active fish and require *lots* of swimming room. A 2 ft tank isn't going to be nearly enough. I have mine in a 3ft 47.5 gallon and I know that's not enough either. In my opinion they need 4ft at least and I'm planning on upgrading specifically with them in mind.
OK fair Enough
any other ideas of what i could put in there?
i thought bout Mbuna chichilids, but most people say they need larger tanks too...
any ideas?
have you ever heard of panther catfish?
they grow to 11cm and look very similar to pictus
could i keep them in the tank i previously described?
have you ever heard of panther catfish?
they grow to 11cm and look very similar to pictus
could i keep them in the tank i previously described?
We need a scientific name - the only "Panther catfish" I'm aware of is Corydoras melanistus which looks nothing like a P pictus.

What is it that appeals to you about the pictus type fish so we can think up alternatives?
i love their activeness and character. at the bottom of this page www.thegoldfishbowl.co.uk/ catfish.html is a picture of a panther cat. it looks very similar to the pictus. these are on sale at my LFS. the scientific name (i think) is Pimelodus pictus.
Pictus cat and panther cat (which is a name they have just made up) are the same fish, Pimelodus pictus.

As said your tank is far too small for them, it sounds like you need to buy yourself a bigger tank to keep any of the fish you like.
fair doos. not bought the tank yet, but cant really afford anything bigger. or not for a while atleast. the panther cat: as i said my LFS has them and says they only grow to 11cm. so how long do pictus grow. if they too grow to 11cm then clearly they r the same species.
The shop has made up a name & made up a size as well. Pictus cats are Pimoelodus pictus as CFC says.

They get to around 6 inches, well over 11cm.

I can't think of a suitable long whiskered cat for a tank as small as yours.
ok, thanks alot.
got any ideas for what i could keep in there or know of anyone selling a larger tank?
its just im not really interested in tetras etc. i would prefer to keep chichilds or larger fish like sharks and cats.
thanks for any suggestions
I suggest eBay and also www.freecycle.org (free stuff!) - there are 3 freecycle groups in cheshire and I'm pretty sure you'll find a free tank there in the new few weeks if you keep your eyes peeled.

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