pictus cat ?'s


Fish Fanatic
Aug 6, 2005
Reaction score
Sumner, WA
i had 4 pictus cats in a 5 gallon tank for about 5 days and decided it was much too small. i moved them into a new 29 gallon tank about 3 days ago and they loved it. now, it seems they are crowding in the top corner and are ignoring the rest of the tank. any suggestions??
What is the decor in the tank?

Pictus cats are nocturnal and need daytime hiding places. I think 29G is probably still too small.

Did you cycle the 29G before adding them?
@ombomb said:
What is the decor in the tank?

Pictus cats are nocturnal and need daytime hiding places. I think 29G is probably still too small.

Did you cycle the 29G before adding them?

i have a gravel bed along the bottom with about 6 short plants and a small hollow log. do you think it could have to do with them seeing their reflection in the glass? i see they have the background paper to stick to the sides of the aquarium. maybe i need this and some larger plants for them to hide in?
They need caves to hide in really I think.

I have never kept them so someone like Digital Run is more the person to take advice from.

Did you cycle the tank before adding them? If not I'd take them back to the shop until it's cycled.
A 29Gal isn't going to be enough for 4 full grown pims...Due to their diet they are messy fish and over filtration is a good idea. They need plenty caves/rocks/over hanging plants for shelter. Pictus cats will do poorly in tanks with unstable conditions and can be prone to Ich. They do better in established tanks....
Saying that....Pims tend to act a little strange when introduced into new tanks. Give them awhile to settle in and they will wander around the rest of the tank....Definately get them LOTS of hiding places...a 29gal doesnt have a lot of space for them so make sure they can each have there own little section.

If your tank isnt cycled then i'd definately agree with @ombomb and take them back...they are not a fish to go through a cycle.

digital_run said:
A 29Gal isn't going to be enough for 4 full grown pims...Due to their diet they are messy fish and over filtration is a good idea. They need plenty caves/rocks/over hanging plants for shelter. Pictus cats will do poorly in tanks with unstable conditions and can be prone to Ich. They do better in established tanks....
Saying that....Pims tend to act a little strange when introduced into new tanks. Give them awhile to settle in and they will wander around the rest of the tank....Definately get them LOTS of hiding places...a 29gal doesnt have a lot of space for them so make sure they can each have there own little section.

If your tank isnt cycled then i'd definately agree with @ombomb and take them back...they are not a fish to go through a cycle.


thanks alot digital run! i am pretty new to having fish and after @ombomb mentioned cycling the tank (which i had never heard of) i did some research and i am going to take your advice and take them back and cycle the tank. it will be nice to get them again as they are a beautiful fish. thanks!

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