Pictus Behavior Question


New Member
Sep 12, 2011
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We have 2 new pictus cats (and 2 bala sharks) in a 55gal. All juveniles. IS IT NORMAL for the cats to swim in a corner pointing up? I started to freak till i got on this forum (new today...so hello) and saw other similar posts. Water quality is ideal (via testing) and all barbels etc are ok. While registering for this forum i turned the lights off and they both started swimming and eating normally. Any ideas or comments? I know species is primarily nocturnal.
Post your water parameters please. Do you have a photo of the tank? Full stock list? Dimensions of the tank?

Bala sharks are schooling fish and I have seen them grow to 16" long. Your current tank is not large enough for them (even juveniles need lots of space to be able to grow).

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