Pictures of my Syno


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2005
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
Got some pics of my new Synodontis, it was sold as Zambiensis but I can`t find this anywhere. Hope someone can ID it, I want to get a couple more but I`d rather wait to see what it is in case its `not right` if you see what I mean. They are going in my Hap tank. He is between 3 and 4 inches at the moment.

Thanks, Mark.


it's going to be very hard to ID from those photo's as we can't see the patterns,

maybe try again..? it doesn't really matter if there alful photo's with reflections everywhere as long as we can see a side view of the syno with it's patterns visible.

btw great shots though, love the first one!! :kewlpics:
Interesting, they had these at a shop in Swindon when i popped in last week, can't remember for the life of me what they were, they were just labelled as "Wild Caught Imports" with the latin name.

However i can't remember for the life of me what they were... I will have a browse through Planet Catfish tomorrow if i remember.

Can't help with the I.D...but i just have to say that those are great pics and a great lookin syno you got there...Good luck with the I.D

You know what you'l have no problem getting an ID at catfish planet I poked around there for a while they know EVERYTHING
Not sure if thats alowed but it's true
Sorry mate I wasn`t ignoring your ID, its just nice to get more than one opinion. Thanks a lot, I have had a look at the species you suggested on Google images and it certainly does look like it.

Thanks, Mark.

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