Here's Charlie my Connemara. He's wet in these pics as i managed to pick the only two hours to ride him when it was raining really hard
He doesn't get bothered by such things though 
And here's one of him back in his stable, munching on some hay!!
Here's My Cape Parrot Jake with lots of pretty red/orange feathers coming through!!
And here's the boys!!lol Ozzy has been in the wars a bit
He's got a bit of a swollen toe, not sure what happened to it, and it doesn't seem to both him but it looks like maybe Kai's bitten it or he's got it caught somewhere.. ooh, and you may notice in the pics that he's lost a toenail!!!! It used to be all deformed and starting growing upwards and it was starting to cause him problems climbing so i booked him in to have the end of the toe removed a little while ago, and the morning i was due to take him, i got him out, had a look, and the nail had been bitten right back!!! I assume either Oz did it himself, or Kai did, but eitherway, there was no blood, it doesn't hurt him at all and is a lot less stressful than taking him to the vet!!!lol
Anyway, Here's the Oz-Man himself!! I love this picture!!!lol
And one of him being a bit more cute
Both of them - You can see the size difference now Kai has grown a bit!!!
Oz trying to make himself as big as his BF in this pic lol
And how could i put pics of my boys up without having an adorable, cute cuddle pic?!!!
And thats all!!

And here's one of him back in his stable, munching on some hay!!

Here's My Cape Parrot Jake with lots of pretty red/orange feathers coming through!!

And here's the boys!!lol Ozzy has been in the wars a bit
Anyway, Here's the Oz-Man himself!! I love this picture!!!lol

And one of him being a bit more cute


Both of them - You can see the size difference now Kai has grown a bit!!!

Oz trying to make himself as big as his BF in this pic lol

And how could i put pics of my boys up without having an adorable, cute cuddle pic?!!!

And thats all!!