Pictures Of My Dogs!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 18, 2005
Reaction score
New Jersey, USA
This is Smudge. He's a Shorkie. He gets annoyed when we don't feed him and occasionally stands with his front paws in his water bowl. He has this look in his eyes like "I've been busted!" I suppose it's because of the white sliver in HIS left eye. He's so quirky and very playful, even if my other dog is always tired from sleeping all day.


This one is Pepper. She's a Havanese. I snagged this picture on my cell phone when she was in the middle of yawning! She seems very excited, as if she were trying to yell "Let's Play!" even though that goes against her whole disposition (Very slothful :lol: )

Lol.. adorable dogs!
Smudge is so hilarious standing in his water bowl like that. Too funny! Looks like he's trying to give you that "What? I'm not doing anything....*shifty eyes*" look hehe
Our Kiwi likes to paw the water as she's drinking it and just gets it EVERYWHERE.. well have wet dog prints all around the house when she's done hehe.
Hehe aw! :wub:
I love Smudge's expression, he's like 'you better fill this bowl' hehe!!
Hi DanMan092 :)

You have two very, very adorable dogs there! :wub:

I'll nominate smudge for the November POTM contest! Anyone second it?

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