pictures of african cichlids


Fish Crazy
Jun 5, 2004
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does any1 have any pics of african cichlids, im just fasinated by the info ive heard from them but i havnt seen any
What do you want to have? take alook in my signature, i have a couple in there, but do you have any in mind at all?
hmm i was wondering if there where like any really small ones like about a few inches or something
thnx i use to have a disc shaped fish but i never knew what it was... it isnt a cichlid i know know, wat could it be if its disc shaped?
A discus. They are a kind of cichlid. There are other fish too like silver dollars and more I imagine.

I have a few africans as well. Feel free to check my sig. Kribs are good for not growing too big and can usually be kept in a community without any problems.
there are acouple of zebras that grow to 4"

you could also get yellow labs or even some snow whites

these only grow to about 4"

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