Pictures, From Day 1 To Present Day


Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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wanted to share a few pictures of my tank and what its been through over the past year, and you can probably tell by the pictures that over time i started to improve with my my hard scapes and plant positioning :)

this is one of the earliest pics i can find, however i know there was a different scape before this one, you can see how much the barclaya longifolia had grown in the next pic too



anddd the next, didnt have any pics when it was finished...

getting closer to present day now...

lovely new pieces of wood

annnd here we are, today. after a year, i've lost fish and i've gained fish i've been un happy and happy with my tank but i have learnt so much about both fish and plants, scaping tanks, equipment substrates, fertilisers lighting and CO2 and so on and so on, now i feel like i've finally got to a point where i feel comfortable and i know what im doing and how to make things work, i've made mistakes but i learnt the right way to do things. i've kept a fair few types of fish, still find the hobby just as interesting as i did when i first started, if not even more, and im always happily browsing the internet whether it be reading about a fish its behaviour habitat etc, or looking at other fish tanks (multi tank syndrome kicking in) or looking up plants, im always happy to learn more and more. i guess what im trying to say is.. freshwater, i will love you, and your fish/invertebrate/plant inhabitants for all time, thank you for the first of many years to come of having the pleasure and the wonders of a natural magical fascinating environment from nature in my own home :) lol!


thanks for looking/reading :D
Very nice progress. I love the latest look.
thank you very much :) im still waiting on my delivery of plants, got some more sagittaria to fill out the bottom left corner, and some proper floating plants :)
It looks great. I really love the progression of the tank, and story as well. :)
I like it. That shows good progress. I love pictures taken over time. I wish I could remember to do that with my tanks.
Agreed - it's looking really nice. Well done :)

I'm in the process of going fully planted myself - what substrate do you have in the second to last picture? The small red / brown pebbles?
If i was to look at the progress of my tanks o we the past 8 years or however many years I've been into this hobby, the progression isn't half as good as yours.

Really nice tank you have there :good:

And a good idea for a thread too!
aw thank you :D and the 2nd to last pictures substrate was called dupla ground substrate, i brought it from aquaessentials, i decided to take it out though because i didnt like the size of it although it was a nice colour, i wanted a nice fine sand instead

haha im sure it would be better than mine gary! 8 years of knowledge versus my tiny one year of knowledge lol. but thank you very much, im glad everyone is liking this thread :D
looks very good very natural and nice warm feeling to it, love'ing the wood and plants really suited for each other congrats
Really good progress. Its not just the in layout. You started with the jungle layout wich is the easiest for beginners. But the changes made with time end up defining a different style of layout. A more carefully layout with the righ choice of plants and a balance between them and your hardscape.
Keep it up.
hehe im really pleased with everyones kind words :)! aquamaniac, yeah i guess i finally got round to choosing the right plants and put them in the right place :) usually id feel the need to move something or change the scape but i dont feel that need at all, everything feels just right :)
quick update! got a load of hornwort, didnt quite know where to put it or where it looked right so i had to have a little re arrangement in the tank to try get it somewhere where it looks right, please tell me my scape still looks good ? lol i put a lot of hard work into it, but not 100% sure at the moment

I really like it. I think some ppl would have put it along the entire back of the tank, but i think it was really smart not to. great choice, tank looks awesome, and your fish are very lucky :good:
thank you :) i would have planted most of it along the back but i had no room because all the wood pieces lay across the back so i could only plant a few in the back corner and the rest are just floating, but this plant supposedly is a floating plant anyway :) glad you like it :D

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