Picture Required


A True Oddball
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
UK, Nr Chester
Hi all,

I am currently helping out with a new wiki for fish keeping and I am in search of HIGH QUAILTY image of your Odd balls, no not those!! your Fish.
The image will be used on the wiki, and credit will be given for each photo, ie it will have your name on it as the owner.

Submit like so:

Your Real Name: ....
Date take: ....
Fish species: ....

Many thanks for all your help.


I'm currently looking for:

Siamese Tigerfish
  • Datioides campelli
  • Datioides microplepis
  • Datioides pulcher
  • Datioides quadrifasciatus
  • Datioides undecimradiatus
  • Channa amphibeus
  • Channa argus
  • Channa asiatica
  • Channa aurantimaculata
  • Channa bankanensis
  • Channa baramensis
  • Channa barca
  • Channa bleheri
  • Channa burmanica
  • Channa cyanospilos
  • Channa gachua
  • Channa harcourtbutleri
  • Channa lucius
  • Channa maculata
  • Channa marulioides
  • Channa marulius
  • Channa melanopterus
  • Channa melasoma
  • Channa micropeltes
  • Channa nox
  • Channa orientalis
  • Channa panaw
  • Channa pleurophthalma
  • Channa punctata
  • Channa stewartii
  • Channa striata
  • Parachanna africana
  • Parachanna insignis
  • Parachanna obscura

  • Polypterus ansorgii
  • Polypterus bichir
  • Polypterus bichir bichir
  • Polypterus delhezi
  • Polypterus endlicheri congicus
  • Polypterus endlicheri endlicheri
  • Polypterus katangae
  • Polypterus lapradei
  • Polypterus mokelembembe
  • Polypterus ornatipinnis
  • Polypterus palmas buettikoferi
  • Polypterus palmas palmas
  • Polypterus palmas polli
  • Polypterus retropinnis
  • Polypterus senegalus meridionalis
  • Polypterus senegalus senegalus
  • Polypterus sp. "Cameroon"
  • Polypterus teugelsi
  • Polypterus weeksii
well heres some pics of my channa gachua, whether they are considered 'high quality' or not is your call but i think theyre ok :whistle:

Heres a selection




George Ellis

pic 1: 12/02/07

pic 2: 11/02/07

pic 3: 13/02/07

Channa Gachua
Those are exactly what I'm after, but have you got any now he is settled and has his proper colours?

cheers :good:
Those are exactly what I'm after, but have you got any now he is settled and has his proper colours?

cheers :good:

yeah those are my latest pics im afraid, hes taking a while to settle in, but he just ate his first shrimp a minute ago so hes settling in more now. Hopefully he'll colour up more soon :rolleyes:
dont worry i will lol, ive been taking waaaaay too many pics over the last couple of days and i see no end in sight! :look:
studz, is this the fish wiki that has been created by another forum?
Regular peacock eel

Albino Senegal Bichir

Stripped Peacock eels



African Butterfly fish
they are great gank, anmy chance of a side shot of the stripped peacock? cheers mate

and your Real name so I can add it to the image info

that';s the best I got for purely doing the side. Help my advocation of plants with eels too.

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