picture of my new addition

Really cute fish :D oh who live in a pineapple under the sea the coolest fishy you ever did see i love the spongebob tank i thought about getting one for one of my bettas his coloring is uniqie
i thought bettas need a heater thats the only reason i didnt get the cutest one in the world today i got 2 beautiful american fantail goldfish instead.

do they need a heater and a filter or no? :kewlpics: :kewlpics: :kewlpics:

ur betta is pretty special i luv the colouring.

you could call him/her frosty or snowflake ,snowy,dream lol cant think of no more ;)
ok i guess i'll call him snowflake!
well no they dont need a heater but preferes one. my tank is too small(1.5gal) so i cant add a it. filters they'll be ok without it just need to do a lot of water change.
:D ok thnx i feel very honnored to have the name chosen lol she is soo cute and thanx for the advice would a betta be ok for a 5gal with no heater and no filter but gravel and plastic plants?

because i got a spare 5 gal just lieing round is it ok.

btw i will dechlorinate it :D

i hope that one i seen in the pet store is still there he was dark blue and light blue i think it was a crowntail not sure they had baby bettas there to about 3 cms long would that be better to have one of those because they have growing to do.

post bk
As long as the plastic plants don't have any sharp edges to tear those delicate fins, then it sounds like a really good setup for a Betta. Any Betta would be happy to live in a tank like that.

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