

Fish Crazy
May 21, 2005
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Kenowhere, Wisconsin
Well, I finally got my tank cycled and ready with my 3 snails. So I put Godzilla in there this morning. He is SOOO happy and has not stopped exploring. Anywho, here he is... the best ones I could get because they don't stop to pose.


Well thanks! Isn't he adorable?? I think it's the eyes that get me... And I love the betta in your avatar, lilfishie!
He looks a little thin. If after a week of good eats, he still looks thin, he'll need to be treated for internal parasites.
pufferpunk is one of the most respected American authorities on keeping puffers in the aquarium; she's a person worth listening to.

(an example of who she is: you know the instructions you see everywhere on how to trim a puffer's teeth? she's the one who figured it out.)
males are suposed to be a little thin

Hmmm, where'd you hear that one? Not true...

I'm not really the only one to figure out puffer dentistry--just wrote an article on it, that's all (appearing in the August issue of TFH).
Yeah, I can't really seem to find anything he wants to eat (and my choices of live food are just about nothing). I have frozen brine shrimp, frozen bloodworms and snails. I really don't think he was being fed well in the tank they had him in at the store. He was with SO many other fish that were so much bigger than him...

And now I can't find him in the tank... and I'm freaking out! Are they really good at hiding or are they jumpers?? He was so happy in his new tank this morning that I'm really hoping he just found a good sleeping spot... also, should I turn off my filter when I feed him so he actually has a chance to GET the food?
I would never advise turning the filter off. Try holding frozen bloodworms in front of the filter outlet or over an air stone to make them "wiggle" as if they are alive. This usually gets my puffers interested.


Ok, tweezers is a go. Yeah, the little bugger was out swimming around this morning... man, he must have a GREAT place to hide or something.

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