pics of the new rescues!


Fish Gatherer
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
North East UK
canyou see the black on the tail(white patches one)does anyone know what it is?

close up of his tail!

both together!can you help identify aht types they are(common....)

the gold one!this one lok much healtyer than the other one but it has afew scales missing! :thumbs:

sorry about the size of the pics! :rolleyes: i hope theyl be ok....i want to know whats wrong with the white ones tail!!!!
the black on the tail could be either ammonia burns healing which take a few weeks or new fin growing back in.
the one with the black tail looks like a comet to me.
dont worry about the scale loss that could be down to rough handling by the store, other fish biting him or scratching against something. just keep an eye that he doesnt lose a lot more.
lovely little fish though, well done you for rescuing them :)
thanks so the black is nothing to worry about?
do you think the gold is a comet or a common?
no i dont think the black is anything to worry about.
the other fish is a common.
awww glad to hear!i know it sounds sad but they have their own personaltiys and ive only had them a day! :wub: i hope they live a looooong time,i thought he might have finrot but obviously not :p
How are the new arrivals doing.
Wilder said:
How are the new arrivals doing.
quite good actually!the blck isnt going away or changing in any way so they seem fine.they are looking better with the filter and i got them a air pupm and they looove the bubbles!it took me about 3 days to get them to eat and i gave them a bit of daphnia wot was left after the 13gal and they loved it now there eating all their falkes.theyre qutie shy though and are sared of people but im hoping thayll come round :D thanks for asking
Just keep an eye on the black edges, mine love bloodworms frozen, and algae tablets, and peas.
Where did you rescue them from? MAybe the black is just colouration. Some gold fish have that?
they wernt the others :-( the wonam said they were worthless and they wernt as good as the orandas and no-1 wanted them theyd been there for weeks every day i saw them after school and ion the weekend i got them coz i couldnt see them like that any more

theyre doing great!there feeding and have stopped being scared of people so much.i put some slate in there the other day but i dound both had long deep straingh marks down their bodies and think they cut themselves on it darting about so i had to take it out :X just letting you know!
your LFS needs a serious update that if they ever did feel the need to euthanize a fish, flushing has to be the nuber one way not to do it.
OrkyBetta said:
your LFS needs a serious update that if they ever did feel the need to euthanize a fish, flushing has to be the nuber one way not to do it.
that what i said!they are only tinking about the £££££ i offered to take them even though she was about the FLUSH them and she made me pay :thumbs:

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