Pics Of Rainbow Are Here

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Fish Crazy
Mar 13, 2006
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For those of you that helped me (and my daughter) decide to house a betta in her 5 gallon tank...Here are pics of Rainbow and his new home. I am surprised at how active he is since I have only seen bettas in way too small of containers. Quick questions far, not eating much (bioblend betta because that is what the store was feeding), tried some hikari betta gold tonight and bloodworms. Not seeing much eating, maybe 1 pellet a day, is this okay? He is very active, and unfortunately my snail population seems a little sparse today...hoping he isn't munching on dp's snails.



Plus, if you could give me a tail type I would appreciate to bettas...did enough research to make sure this tank would work for a betta, and that we would be able to properly care for it, but not real intelligent about the different types. It really doesn't matter, just curious.
Looks like a gorgeous veil tail to me. I almost got a fish just like that at Walmart last night. I am tempted to go back tomorrow. :drool: I am so addicted.

Great tank!! :good:
He looks like a very healthy (and of course, pretty) betta. I wouldn't worry about his appetite yet. Bettas tend to throw a big old pout when they first come home, if he's still finicky in a couple weeks, Then I'd switch food on him. At the moment, he's still getting accustomed to you and yours, so his appitite is probably surpressed a bit due to that stress. It's a good sign he's eating at all, as a significant number of bettas flat out refuse food when they're first taken home (sometimes for as long as a full month after purchase... but those cases are rare).

He's a lucky guy to get a whole 5g to himself. :) I'm sure you'll do well by him.

*edit: My vote goes to him being a pretty Veiltail (VT) betta, as well.
That is what I was leaning towards to...veil tail. Thanks for the input from everyone, it was so much easier to venture into the world of bettas with you guys behind me!
Any suggestions on whether he is possibly eating small snails? Like I said, I have noticed that snails don't seem as prevalent, but that happens from time to time, I just don't see them. Since I feed snails to my dp I need to find an alternate location to allow them to breed if he could be eating them.
Eeee, I don't think he's eating snails.

Bettas often harrass snails that catch their attention, but they usually nip at the feelers and stop at that.

Bettas *can* eat snails, I've read it happening on here, but in those instances, the snail was crushed by their owner and waved at the betta's face.

It's possible that they discovered some snail eggs and slurped it, though. However, if that were the case, you wouldn't see immediate snail population reduction.

I mean, it's possible.
I happen to think it's unlikely.
:drool: :drool: :drool: lovely fish, lovely tank!

Sorry, what or who is eating the snails, I am no good with initials. If you need some pesky snails come over here and get some out of my tank :grr: :grr: My betta in the kitchen ate a tiny icky snail and then sat there feeling sorry for himself for 2 days until he had a nice green pea!

edit because it could be dwarf puffer! better idea if it is I will have your dwarf puffer love them little guys with their teeth :lol: :lol: :lol:
Well, tank was loaded with snails before Rainbow, on purpose for my dwarfpuffer, now it looks a little bare, but with the addition of the plants and cave for Rainbow they could just be hiding. I knew it wasn't likely that Rainbow would eat my snails before getting him, and that is the way I want it, but there do seem to be less now! I guess if he is being finicky about eating he may be eating them for now but hopefully that will change as he decides the food we have to offer is better! I know with the platy fry housed there at one time, and the neon tetras daughter wanted, both munched on snail eggs and destroyed my population! I had to go scavenging at local fish stores for their snails!

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