Pic's Of New "sand" Set Up


Fish Addict
Dec 4, 2011
Reaction score
Balloch, Scotland
As some of you may have read in my previous threads, I have changed my tank from gravel substrate to a sandy substrate.

Pure nightmare!! Never want to go through that again haha

Well here are some pics as promised.... taken my time

This is a before picture

And after

and a few other shots



What do you think? I'm still not too sure on the scaping but its a working progres.

I'm Going to get some smaller plants and some rocks for the foreground in the next few weeks.

Cheers for looking

Edit: I have better pictures on my phone I will post, just as soon as I can find the memory stick holder.
Much better with sand; I recently made the change too. That's a particularly nice large piece of bogwood you have!
Aye its a belter isn't it? I got it off someone from this forum! It's actually 2 pieces sat against each other.

The pictures don't do it justice, I have a rubbish camera. I will get netters pics up soon hopefully.
I recognise it; I asked the seller if he still had it but was too late!
great tank. i seem to be a minority that does'nt like sand much just prefer gravel for some reason :)
Hi Gary

I love it. That's a rare bit wid. I'm still cycling my first tank and was looking for a nice bit wood that gives decent height but ended up doing a balancing act with 2 smaller pieces. Looking forward to seeing the other pics.

Cheers David :) I've had years of carefully balancing bogwood on rocks and more wood to try fill the higher end of my tanks, glad I found these pieces on here (forum) so I now no longer have too.
Looks very nice but I think real plants would make it look even better.

Nice setup, used sand myself until about a week ago. Always looks nice and clean and is easy to clean (i found it was anyway).
Cheers for the kind words guys :) much appreciated!

Jim. Before this set up I have now it was a fully planted discus tank and I've (for now at least) vowed to never go down the planted route again. But your absolutely right, real plants would look amazing, I just can't really be bothered with that just now.

Adam. Yeh, just done my 1st weekly tidy up of the tank and was surprised how easy it was to clean the sand. It came up looking amazing. You say you HAD sand? What made you change?

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