Pics of my Saltwater set up(IMAGE INTENSE!)


Fish Addict
Mar 28, 2003
Reaction score
Olathe, KS
In the last 6 months or so I have gotten really into the saltwater scen, so I though I would show you some before and after pics for fun, along with some radom pics to enjoy, so..well..ENJOY!!

This is one of my 37 gallon cube tank when I first started it up, there is a longhorned cowfish, a watchman, and a bicolor blenny in the tank.


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Here is the same tank, without the cowfish (he is in the 75 gallon hesagon tank that is being set up) and with a firefish, flame angel, and a pistol shrimp as additions. I also added about 30 more pounds of live rock to make it more interesting. I think my digital camera (on my cell phone) doesn't do well with the contrasts that I have created with the 10,000k Bulb and the actinic, because it interprets the white 10,000k light as greenish, as you can see in this picture.


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Here is a pic of the tank during the day with the stand doors open, inside you can see that I have a 20 gallon oceanic sump, and if you look closely you can barely make out an AquaC Remora Pro on the back of the sump, talk about over kill eh?


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I thought that I would throw in some pics of the inhabitants, some of the pics you have to look closely to see them, but some are all too obvious.


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Here'sa pic of tweek, and the unnamed flame angel in the shadows below


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all the inhabitants in the picture but the pistol shrimp.


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Hey nice tank Superman, I have a new 37 Gallon rectangular tank that I want to start into a marine reef tank. It seems that you have a good tank, but the photos hurt my eyes. :-( Meh, I should just stop whingin' and just love ya pix!
very nice :thumbs: :nod: :kewlpics: on the first pic, there is a thing in the bottom rigth corner, i have one of coral thingys, but i dont no the name of it, do u no? what do u use to keep the water so blue?
That thing in the first pic has been asked about before, actually it is just an optical illusion, there is nothing there, I have had people ask if it is a snail before, but it is actually nothing. The way I keep the tank looking so blue is from the actinic O3 PClight I have on the tank, I love the color combinations it creates!

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