Fish Crazy
This is my gorgouse Sassy cat! aka sassy, Pusska, and fatsy. she is one damn demanding cat! if she doesnt get what she wants when she wants damn do you know it! she may look innocent, but looks are deffinantly diseaving! but she has her good qualatys too! ummmmm lets see she is our own persional gard cat, ofcourse she hisses n snarls n acts all scary n then bolts n hides under the couch. she knows when some one in the house is sick n will be verry snuggly with them, plus she has gotten alot more snuggly since she has gotten older, hit the big 1 - 0 this year. but usualy is not a cuddly cat. neways enough bout me goin on bout my cat, below where bozza has posted is the gorgouse girl.