I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
So my plecostomus, Kirby, was looking exceptionally cute today and was actually letting me take his I did. There's only a few here, but I'm really hoping that I can get a good one of him with his little cory buddies, and maybe even one of him letting the corys sit on his head (it's the cutest thing! ). This guy is growing like crazy. His head looks absolutely huge. I wouldn't doubt if he's grown at least a half an inch, and I've only had him like 3 weeks.
Anyways...on to the pictures!
Here's one of him on his favorite rock, with two of his little cory buds in the background.
Anyways...on to the pictures!
Here's one of him on his favorite rock, with two of his little cory buds in the background.