Pics of My Plec ^_^


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
Reaction score
Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
So my plecostomus, Kirby, was looking exceptionally cute today and was actually letting me take his I did. ;) There's only a few here, but I'm really hoping that I can get a good one of him with his little cory buddies, and maybe even one of him letting the corys sit on his head (it's the cutest thing! :wub: ). This guy is growing like crazy. His head looks absolutely huge. I wouldn't doubt if he's grown at least a half an inch, and I've only had him like 3 weeks. :blink:

Anyways...on to the pictures!

Here's one of him on his favorite rock, with two of his little cory buds in the background. :)
Thanks for the comments guys! I love plecs too, but this guy is by far the best plec I've ever owned. He's just got so much personality. B)

Alaska - Yeah, he's a bit on the pudgy side...he just loves his algae wafers! lol! But like I wrote up in my first post, he used to be about a half an inch thinner about three weeks ago...he's grown into a little fatty while I've had him. His head is absolutely huge! :lol:
Thanks gouramiguy! :thumbs:

Actually, snowyangel, I've been told that he's a sailfin plec...which makes sense because when he actually extends his full sail it's gigantic. :blink: So, I'm going with sailfin plec...he's gonna get really really big...

Captain Jack Sparrow is the coolest name. :p
Thanks cometcattle! ;)

I love that betta too. :wub: His name is Tsing Tao...currently has finrot... :sad: But he's getting better. :nod:

And in a shamless self-promotion: you can vote for that very same piccy of him this month in BOTM. :lol: :hyper: :rofl:
Arashi said:
Actually, snowyangel, I've been told that he's a sailfin plec...which makes sense because when he actually extends his full sail it's gigantic. :blink: So, I'm going with sailfin plec...he's gonna get really really big...

Captain Jack Sparrow is the coolest name. :p
My plecos dorsal fin is large too! That would be great if mines a sailfin also. I just don't have many pics of my pleco cus he hates the flash, plus he's camera shy :rolleyes:
The name came from the movie Pirates of the Carribean, incase you didn't see it. Me and my b/f thought it would be perfect for him/her. Great to know you like it too :thumbs:
That would be cool if you had a sailfin also...I guess they get really big, like 20". Mine will eventually be going into my 55 gallon once I get it set up, and he gets bigger. He used to be camera shy, but ever since those little corys have come into the tank, he's always out and about even with the light on. ;)

I LOVED Pirates of the Carribean...I've seen it like 8 times now. That was such a great movie! :wub: Didn't hurt that Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom were in it either. :lol:

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