Pics Of My New Shrimp


Fish Addict
Oct 25, 2007
Reaction score
Leicester, UK
I got a Giant African Shrimp at the weekend, he's about 2 inches long at the moment but he's going to be a monster! He is a lot less shy than I was expecting and i've managed to get these photos already.




Nice shrimp :D

They are fascinating critters. I would definitely get one if I had a bigger tank :lol:
i hate you :( you always have what i cant lol :shifty:
i hate you :( you always have what i cant lol :shifty:

I've added his pic to my signature now just to help make you jealous :p

To be honest I've got lucky and found the 2 shrimp I want in, both in the same LFS. I've never mentioned I wanted them other than asking if they had any more interesting shrimp once last summer so i'm wondering if somebody from the shop is spying on me :shifty:
Wow hes lovely, I now have a 40gal tank ready thats going to become my shrimp kingdom. I shall be purchasing some bamboo and giant fan shrimp for sure. Can you breed these guys. I also just ordered some bee shrimps!!!
Again, nice shrimp! :drool: Although I don't know if I even have room in my tanks, if I saw specimens that nice in my lfs there's no way I could resist picking one up :rolleyes:.

Wow hes lovely, I now have a 40gal tank ready thats going to become my shrimp kingdom. I shall be purchasing some bamboo and giant fan shrimp for sure. Can you breed these guys. I also just ordered some bee shrimps!!!
Ha ha, I nearly bought a 60gal for shrimp the other day, but decided I couldn't afford to 'do it up', so I'm sticking with the idea of a 25 gal shrimp tank.

I plan on breeding the bamboo shrimp, if my girl has eggs that hatch again (it's painful watching all the zoes being eaten by platy fry :(), the only proper record I can find of the eggs hatching is from the 80's, so should be a fun endeavour :fun: .

For my first attempt I plan on breeding them like amanos, by moving the female to a freshwater 3gal to hatch the eggs, then moving the zoe's to a 5gal with water as low in salinity as Nannochloropsis phyto tolerates.
I plan on breeding the bamboo shrimp, if my girl has eggs that hatch again (it's painful watching all the zoes being eaten by platy fry :(), the only proper record I can find of the eggs hatching is from the 80's, so should be a fun endeavour :fun: .

For my first attempt I plan on breeding them like amanos, by moving the female to a freshwater 3gal to hatch the eggs, then moving the zoe's to a 5gal with water as low in salinity as Nannochloropsis phyto tolerates.

Sounds like a good idea, I wish I had room in my flat to keep enough Giant African's to try and breed them. Its a shame they are all wild caught at the moment. I don't think my tank is big enough for any more than 1 unfortunately.

There were 3 in the shop so 2 are probably still left if anybody wants one :p A Bargain at £10!
More pic:


I wish my phone could do video as well as it can photos so I could get a video of him filtering. He is by far my favorite pet at the moment.
SEXY :drool:

I just got a vid of my bamboo shrimp filtering, so i'll put that up tomorrow... not that you care, you have one yourself. :lol:
Ohhhh, guess who's tracked some of these down, and might be getting one tomorrow?

ME! :hyper:

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