Pics Of My New Marine Tank


New Member
Apr 30, 2007
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So here is the tank after three weeks...there are four fish (Reccomended by LFS I returned one zebra/chromie after reading it may be too much)

Notice the self made canopy, that is holding 2 96 watt 50/50's with cooling fans along the back.

Another tank shot:

My Blue damsel:

Honey Damsel: This guy has been through hell, not only was he the first... but he was also sucked into a power head and .. lived, hes doing great!

Alage: A few days before this was taken the whole tank was brown (dark red), its dying off on its own (A good sign?)

Well, that's all the good ones I have, this setup has a sump/lighting/Protein skimmer/and live rock so far for under 500$. Im going to add more live rock over time as I am broke until friday (Gotta love being in college).

All water conditions are excellent btw :) Feedback gogo! :crazy:


Oh and because I forgot, I'm going to come up with some sort of skirt to hide the sump...also considering doing away with the background and painting it (If it isn't too late?). Hope you guys enjoy it ^^

Ill have to take some. I can tell you it has the intake (Where the blue hose goes in) a tray there for filtration, then the bottom tray for live rock... Then the rest is water. This friday I'm going to go out and buy some cut out filtration sheets (I can't remember the exact name). There is something else I was going to buy to put under that sheet but it's name I can't remember, a person at the LFS said it would help the water stay clear.

Oh its got a trickle tower? Cool, I'd love to see sump pics too.

You can still paint it if you can get behind the tank to actually use a brush back there :). Use latex based enamel only and try to go multiple light coats as opposed to thick ones
Lovely tank, nice wood finish and background :good:
Thanks for all of the replies, any more advice is welcomed! I'll get some pics of the sump asap, the girl friend currently has the digital camera :crazy: I can't wait to get more LR and have a cool looking aquascape. I moved them around a bunch and freaked out one of the chromies...hoping he is ok.

I also just noticed in the shot of the honey damsel you can see the bruise from the powerhead...he has healed up now.

Hay there zuk

Nice Tank :good: i think the best part about marine tanks is that u do have to save and get bit by bit as it can cost quite alot of money. but think this is why it is so intresting and have something to get exsited about :hyper: great job! :D

:snap: :fish:

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