Pics Of My New Delhezi's!

The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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lovely will want to add more,trust me.ive kept lots of different fish,but,bichirs are the best :nod:
You should mix differnt species of bichers in your tank, if you are going to add more. Then you will have more variety.
Hey there :)

First of all...Do It!


Seriusley tho:-

DO YOUR RESEARCH! There are loads of types of Bichirs out there and some
get pretty huge! Common example being the fairly availible Ornate that can
get to 20 odd inches!

Tank sizes are pretty important and fish compatability and feeding too.

For my setup I used sand as everyone suggested cos they are clumbsey
eaters and will swollow gravel by accident :crazy:

Secondly, It's Important to have several caves, hideouts ect. Cos they like to
cruize from dark place to dark place.
Some sp. are alot more active then others, like my Dels are, and require that little
more swimming space.

I cleared a space at the front of the tank that I use for a "feeding platform".
This was just my idea so that all uneaten food is in one place and easy to
clean up.

Lastly...........Have Fun!

Theres nothing more rewarding then a setup for these guys, seeing them
glide through the water in the search for the food that they can smell!



Oh and one last help:

Try out Aquatic

Great forum that has an amazing section just for bichirs.

(hope thats not breaking the rules, if so sorry :blush: )

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