Pics Of My Aqaurium


New Member
Jan 2, 2007
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A blood Parrot Cichlid, Siamese fighting fish, yellow angle, black/silver angel, white/black angel, zebra stripe angle, 4 orange tetras, 4 neons, pleco, 2 cory catfish, 1 albino catfish, 1 armoured catfish, albino shark, rainbow shark,and a silver dollar


you can all the individual pics if you click on them individually. this is my first tank, and i am a relatively newcomer to this hobby.
You say "dont listen to pet shop staff as they no nothing", surely you can't possible mean this, maybe you've had some bad experience but i have 3 or 4 LFS's and all of them have been a great help.... :devil:
i have various fish together that are suppose to be kept apart and they are fine.
Just wait. You will most likely eventually need to get rid of the BP if you value your other fish. The betta should be in a separate tank as well, for his own safety. The angels will probably get rid of your neons for you when they get bigger, so no worries there. What, BTW, is your albino catfish?
Nice tank but, WOW, Terrible mix of fish. Apparently you didn't listen to your own advice of "dont listen to pet shop staff as they (know)no nothing" as your tank looks like it was stocked by a clueless teenager working at a fish store :crazy: Sorry for the insult and I would provide some constructive critism but it I really doubt you'd take it (regarding your comment "i have various fish together that are suppose to be kept apart and they are fine."

BTW, I am allowed to make comments like that as I AM a teenager working at a petstore (but I do hope I'm not clueless...)
you seem a very wise and clued up teen. keep up the good work and don't let praise go to your head. people who do end up saying things looking for more praise and then don't sound wise anymore. don't think this will happen to you though

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