Pics Of My 55 Gallon


Fish Crazy
Apr 28, 2006
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Here are a couple of pictures of my 55 gallon tank. I'm working on the decor, but it's off to a good start. I've got some more live plants sprouting so there will be more plants. :D I used marine sand for the substrate. I really love this stuff! It's so easy to clean! :D IMO, it's easier than gravel. Anyway, on to the pictures . . . :p



Any comments/opinions/suggestions for improvement? I'm new to the live planted tank thing so any suggestions would be appreciated.
mind listing some of the fish?

I notice a rainbow shark too.... he may be/get mean

other than that.... add more live plants, take out the decore, and everyone will be going
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
Tank is a great shape and a fantastic platform for any tank layout you can think of. It all comes down to personal preference however whether that be treasure chests and castles or natural heavily planted.

Personally, i'd be on the lookout for a nice peice of bogwood or a few select chunks of rock (slate maybe?) to fill the large amount of viewable sand.

Have you also thought about a black background? should work well to bring out the colours in your bright fish :)
lovley tank, 2 bad itll b starting 2 fall apart soon...mayb u shuld have reashearched more b4 jumping into sumthing like this...

ok your jus getting really annoying now.

jus because youve changed your profile so noone can see your tanks are horribly stocked doesnt mean the ones that saw it before will forget you kno.

try sorting yourself out before commenting on other peoples stocking.

im off to work for the day but incase anyone is wondering what im talking about hes/shes/its got an ID shark and a pleco in a 10g tank (jus to name a few) and seems to think ignoring the problem will solve it.
Your tank is really funky Guppy Mommy!

It's ashame that some of your plants aren't aquatic, don't worry though - I've been fooled by our LFS with plants too!

In my opinion, as what excaliborg said, a black background and a large piece or maybe two of bogwood or rock to go between the plants would look great. I've never been a huge fan of those style ornaments - but each to their own :)

What I really like is the crisp and cleanliness style - really eye catching.


Tank looks good 2 me.

Why not go the rocky way and bog wood.If your fish eats the plants I would say thats the way to go.

A well planend Rocky tank will look awsome.Then what you do is add some drifting plants to bring in a little green.
Thanks for your comments/suggestions. I only have the one piece of bogwood (its the wooden piece in the middle . . . yes it's real, just placed in there awkwardly) at the moment, but hope to get more. I added the "fake" rocks for the time being (so the fish won't feel so much empty space) until I can get more plants and wood.

I don't have any bamboo in the tank that I am aware of :S (I have "lucky" bamboo in a jar in my kitchen so I know what it looks like). I purchased all of these plants from my lfs so I assumed they were aquatic. Guess I was wrong. :blush: That's what I get for listening to them! :angry: Which ones aren't aquatic so I can remove them and not buy anymore of them to stock my tank? Unfortunately, I only have the one lfs (and a Wal-Mart) that offer aquatic plants/aquarium products. So it is extremely difficult to get "natural" objects and live plants. I'm doing the best I can and really appreciate the help. :D

What is in the tank? I really wish I was sure. I have a rainbow shark, four silver dollars, a tinfoil barb (I think), three black skirt tetras, three serpae tetras, four platy, one pleco (I think that's what he is), one fish I have no idea what it is, and I think 7 swordtails (though the swordtails will soon be moved into my 29 gallon). To see pictures of some of the fish (I wasn't sure what they were at first) go here What Are These?

Do all these fish eat plants? :X All the fish except the swordtail and platy were given to me by someone who was moving and couldn't keep her fish. I didn't know what kind they were or anything. :blush:

As for researching more before I jumped into this, perhaps I should have, but we all have to start somewhere, so please don't be rude. :( It's my time, money, and effort that I'm putting into this project and if I waste my time, money, and effort in the learning process, that's my business and I'll accept it. :/

For those of you honestly trying to be helpful, I thank you for your suggestions. A black background sounds wonderful. :D I was planning on a dark green, but I may opt for black instead. I do hope to be able to aquire more bogwood and perhaps some real rocks (question about that, can I get rocks from anywhere or do they need to be specially treated for aquariums?)

Here are some close-up pictures of the plants (I tried to put each plant in the middle of the frame). Hopefully you guys/gals can tell me which ones are NOT aquatic. Thanks so much for the help. :D

Plant 1

Plant 2


Plant 4

Plant 5

Plant 6

Plant 7

Plant 8

Plant 9

Plant 10

Edited to add numbers to the pictures for eaiser reference. That way you can just list the non aquatic plants by number. Also, if any of you know the names of the plants and woulnd't mind sharing that information too, I'd appreciate it.
the silver dollars will be your main problem for eating plants as they get quite big so will make short work of any leaves you have.

i found out the hardway when my 6 ate a 2ft amazon sword down to stems in about 24 hours.

i agree about the black background too. it will really bring out your plants and the colours in your fish!

oh and the house plants should last a couple of months before they die so you have time to replace them if thats the case.
Yes, it does help. Thank you so much. GRRRR!!! Stupid lfs!!! :angry: As soon as I get REAL aquatic plants to take their places, I'll be pulling these out and replacing them! :(
The IDing you were wondering about.. seems you got most of them answered..

this is a buenos aires tetra

this is a golden wonder killi.. aka golden panchax killi

I think you got all the other ones answered.
Oh, thank you so much! I was wondering what they were! :hyper: Now I can do some research. :D
And your plant species number 9 looks like mondo grass! Another non-aquatic specimen. Ive seen them live for extended periods underwaterthan most non-aquatic sp. Dont throw it though, when your ready to take it out, pot it up or plant it in a garden, LOL. :good:

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