Pics Of Mollies - Are They Normal?


Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2010
Reaction score
Bedfordshire UK
I have no idea what a normal molly looks like, so was hoping you could tell me if these are ok? They are black obviously, with bits of brown, and have silver scales here n there, and their tails are kind of see through at the ends?




Please reassure me theyre ok? Kinda paranoid they have fin rot too :crazy:
looks like fin rot to me, they dont look healthy anyway!

here is a nice healthy one

also they look quite fat, they should go without food for 3 days or so and then you need to half the food you are giving them and see how they do. the biggest mistake people make is over feeding, its 10000 times better to underfeed rather then over feed and they can survive 3 weeks + with no food at all!

is it just mollies in the tank? if so you can add a small amount of salt to the tank to prevent infection of the fin rot as mollies thrive is slightly salty water

you should also do regular water changes (25%) per day to keep the water clean and use some finrot treatment until it is cleared up
The mollies look just fine to me. Are you seeing anything changing with them? I suppose fin rot is always a possibility but unless you see things changing it is probably just a variation in the fin color that has you concerned. The odd silvery scale is definitely normal in a multicolored molly.
I agree the mollies look fine. When me and my mum had our big 4ft tank we had some of these mollies, can't for the life of me remember the name, but they always had fins like that and the odd silver scale is very common.

Alessa x.
oh good, will watch for fin rot tho, just in case! they were sold as black mollys but i guess theyre not eh :lol:
Definitely not what I would call black mollies. I only call solid black mollies by that name. The only color that I ignore on a black molly is the nice orange stripe along the top edge of a mature male's dorsal fin. Any other non-black color means they are dalmatians or peppered or one of the myriad other color names.
No not black mollies! I can't for the life of me remember the name though. I think they may be peppered?

Alessa x.

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