Pics of Divided Betta Tanks


Fish Herder
Jul 1, 2004
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I want to buy a 5-10 gallon tank for my 2 new bettas and I want to divide it. Just wondering how others do this and if you have any pictures?

Also will the 5-10 gallon need a filter and a heater?

I have my older betta and he's just lived in a 1 gallon bowl with no heater or filter...but maybe a bigger tank needs those things?

here is a picture of my 10g divided, it's got a heater and a filter in there andh ouses 4 bettas :)

iv got a divided 10g ill post a pic of later, but im afraid im gunna hafta just buy a bunch of 1g for my males, the female keeps trying to get to his side ;)
I've been looking on-line and I've come across these tanks called

all-glass aquarium mini bow 5 aquarium kit

they come in

2.5 gallon
5 gallon and 7 gallon

I was thinking of getting one of these for my 2 bettas. I think the 5 gallon one has a plastic divider.

Anyways....does anyone know of a place on-line that ships them internationally?

Heres a link so you can see what I'm talking about
Guppy dude that's what you get for buying too cute make the females go all weak in the fins! :lol:

Elisabeth you should be able to buy a regular 10 or 5 gallon and buy the mesh like inserts separately that you can just divide the tank with yourself by sliding them in. I am thinking any good lfs should carry them. Thoughts anyone else?
Sweden doesn't have as much variety as America does also it's so expensive. You can't buy like a bowl here for $5 dollars like you can over there. The bowl I have my other betta in cost about $35 dollars. I was at a fish store about 2 weeks ago and I saw some small tanks. I think they were 2.5 gallon tanks...I was thinking about getting 1-2 of those. I'm not sure what the price on them was though. They didn't have lids though and I'd really like to get a tank with a lid and light.

Thats why I asked about the mini bow front tanks and if anyone knew of a place that shipped them internationally.
I don't know if they ship internationally, but all it will take is a email asking them. Try The dividers for 10 gals are around 5.00

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