Pics Added Jari Zebra Plecos L316


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
What can you tell me about these Hypancistrus?



Sorry they aren't too good. The lighting is bad and the tank is bare bottomed still so there are lots of reflections. Also the plecs are not fully moved in.
What can you tell me about these Hypancistrus?

hi there,

I googled the species, and found a link to this, Practical fish keeping is accurate. You need to be a subscriber to view this page though, so i'll sum up their key points for you, as follows;

max size 3.5 inch (4.15 including tail)
warmer end of tropics prefured, but can be kept in cooler conditions
ideal pH of 6.8-7.2
an omnivore

practical fish keeping claim this fish to be very hardy when acclimetised, and are good community plecs. Easy to breed, origionating from the Rio Jari in Brazil.

hope this helps.
That's really great! It follows what I was told by the supplier. I got 5, a male and 4 females. They are in tjeir own breeding tank. I am asuming that they need a sand substrate. As of now they are bare bottom. I will post some pics in a day or two I think,
Oops! I'm shameless. :blush:

But I was told they would like my blackworms, but they don't seem interested. They seem to eat best the Hikari sinking wafers, although they totally do not let me see them eating yet. The seller sail he fed them frozen blood worms. Any other ideas?
:hyper: STUNNING. Those are gorgeous Sue. Look forward to some more pics, hint hint :hey:

They are lovely, great pickup. Hopefully there will be some little babies soon.

It may just take time for them to adjust to the new surroundings and accept new or different kinds of food. Given a few days or at most weeks, they should be adjusted and more willing to eat other foods and do it in view.
Yes, Alex and Carmen, one of the ladies was already a bit gravid. I definately am hoping for offspring with these.

Thanks, Teelie. I am hoping they will take to the black worms in time. It is a good clean source for me that I already feed almost everyone.

I have to get some new sand and a tank top. As it is they get no top and a light propped against the side. Impossible to get pics. The guy is not coming out to see me at all, although I assume he is comming out to eat.

I put three caves for the five of them. Two are hiding behind artificial plants and three are hold up in caves. Should I put two more caves in? Would they also like wood, etc?
Yes, Alex and Carmen, one of the ladies was already a bit gravid. I definately am hoping for offspring with these.

I put three caves for the five of them. Two are hiding behind artificial plants and three are hold up in caves. Should I put two more caves in? Would they also like wood, etc?

let me know if you get success in spawning these, i may be interested in taking a couple off you. :rolleyes:

as for the caves, the more hiding places the better!!!! plenty of places to bolt for cover will make them feel more secure, making them more daring. should also help them settle in. :nod:

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