Pics- 55g Planted Mbuna (mostly) Tank


New Member
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
New Jersey, USA
I love looking at other peoples' pics so I finally took some of my own now that I got a digi camera- here they are. I don't have a back on the tank right now- hope to fix that soon.

Below is a full tank view- the flash kind of washes out the color.


Here is one without the flash so you can see how it really looks. Unfortunately it's kind of dark in this room and I can't get one without some blurriness.


Here are a couple of shots of a Juvy Demasoni that was born in the tank. The first pic has a full size one on the right. The Kenyiis also breed like mad, but the current babies are very shy right now (only about 1/8 of an inch long).



Some misc pictures-




I'll try to get some better pics with a tripod and no flash eventually- hope you enjoyed 'em!
Nice looking tank, and those demonsai juvies look outstanding, good work with that all round :) your fish all display beautiful colouration.
Nice tank m8 unusual to see a planted one but looks cool :good:
Well, in case anyone was wondering I thought I would give some more info on this tank.

I have had a hell of a time getting plants growing in this tank. Everyone told me that cichlids would eat everything I put into it- and after a year of messing with it- I would say that is partially true.

My Mbunas dont actually eat the plants, they just tear and dig them up. My solution has been to plant so many plants that the munching is spread out and doesn't kill anything (mostly). I bought $90 bucks worth of plants two months ago and that seems to be working vs. buying one plant here and there.

I have to watch out for the male kenyii- he digs like a steam shovel. I just don't plant anything near his hideaway.

Tank census-

1 P. Acei
1 Jewel Cichlid
1 Chinese Algae Eater
2 Yellow labs
2 Red Zebras
2 P. Demasoni + a juvy born in tank
2 Kenyii + an undertermined number of babies
1 Giant Danio

Anyways- thanks for all the nice comments! I really like these fish- the tank has been up for about a year and a half now. The yellow (male Kenyii) attacks me every time I move stuff in the tank- yesterday he bit me and freaked me out (luckily their teeth aren't really sharp). My camera takes video too- so i'll try and post one for ya all- I think it's quite funny watching him attack me :)

I think I will post some of my saltwater tank pics in this thread just to give ya all a view of something different for fun.

Beep Beep!

Again - thanks for all the advice when I started- you guys/gals were a big help!
Thats really nice looking , what i do is put some fake plants in with the real one to kinda mess with the cichlids. It seems to work pretty well too.

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