Pico Idea

George Farmer

ad aqua
Jul 6, 2003
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Stamford, Lincs, UK
Hello reefers!

I'm thinking of having a go at a "reef on a budget."

Hypothesis -

Tank - 12x8x8" (30x20x20cm) approx. 3 gal. (12 litres) before displacement.

Filtration and circulation- 2-3Kg mature/cured LR, 160lph (15x turnover) HOB filter filled with carbon sponge and mature live rock rubble. Carbon sponge replaced every week.

Heating - 10w Newattino for constant 26C (79F)

Lighting - 24w PC T5 50/50 6500K/actinic

Substrate - thin layer of live sand from mature reef tank

Water - Directly from a 500 gal. mature successful reef (SPS etc.), 25% water change per week

I've no experience with reef, only what I've read and seen from a reefkeeping friend. However I am very aware that tiny volumes are less stable, more room for error etc. etc. I've had "success" with high-tech planted in the same size aquarium and know the importance of regular monitoring and maintenance.

Does the above sound viable for a basic set up able to grow some easy but colourful softies, possibly some tiny critters? Or is the volume just too small to consider?

All opinions and (especially) experiences welcome.

Thanks in advance.
Hiya George. I've read some of your posts in the planted and I must say I am very jealous. I don't doubt for one second that you're more than capable of running a SW pico :good:

I have a 1.5l pico which I've been running for about a week :lol: but the most important lesson I've learned so far is....they get hot...quickly....and you really have to keep on top of your RO top ups.

You shouldn't have such a big problem with a 3gal but just a warning ;)

I'm not the right person to comment on the hardware side of things as it's all numbers and names and pretty boxes to me :blush:

You should have no problem growing mushies and zoas in that tank size wise... I have a baby ricordea in my pico along with some pest nems :good:
Thanks. I've just read through your 1.5l journal actually. Sweet.

As I say, I've already run this tank with plants, same lighting (24w PC) and filter so I anticipate heating issues etc. to be the same. In fact it was stable at around 22C with no heater, hence the Newattino. Summer time will be a different matter of course!

The tank will be open top, so top ups will be required daily with RO, not a problem.

A friend has a big reef so the water, rock and sand will come from that. So I instant mature set up I'm thinking.

Mushrooms and zooanthids sound good to me. The more gawdy the better!! I fancy a change from green.
Having seen your planted threads, I'm sure you could keep a very successful pico, particularly as you spend so much time in those looking afer the water chemistry. Water quality aside, the big issue you'll have a on a tank that size is keeping the temperature under control and keeping on top of the evapouration of the tank. Personally I wouldn't bother with the carbon sponge.
Thanks atom. I figured the carbon sponge would double up as a mech and chem filter. I guess there's no need for chemical adsorbtion with the tiny bio-load and clean water?
yeah temp in the summer's gonna be fun! remember the corals are about a zillion times more sensitive to temp change than your fish and plants are.

but i've no doubt a man of your abilities can do it, can't wait to see the results!!
Always nice to see another mod around these parts :). Your plan seems sound. Dont forget saltwater test kits for nitrate, phosphate, and if you can, calc/alk. A refractometer would be a great investment too since salinity varies so much in nano tanks. Try to keep your tank at like 1.023sg since you dont want evap to push you much over 1.026 or 1.027. Over that is dangerous, but under is ok. Lastly, I'd advise some Rowaphos cause hair algae WILL be a problem without it
Thanks atom. I figured the carbon sponge would double up as a mech and chem filter. I guess there's no need for chemical adsorbtion with the tiny bio-load and clean water?

yup basically with the amount of maintenance you'll have to do because of the size the water will be so clean anyway you shouldn't need it!! :good:

and i reckon you could have a critter or two, something hardy and small like hermit crabs.
George...you say you'll be using water from your friends 200gal system... While this will be fine to cycle the tank, you will need to do your water changes with fresh SW. With the tank being so small any nasties in your friend's water will quickly become a problem for you. You will also need a good supply of RO as you will be topping off the tank at least daily all year round and probably more often in the summer. :good:
Thanks for all the feedback.

I've decided to actually avoid the reef route for now. It was reassuring to hear it could be done though, so thanks all.
O nano planted expert wishes to become nano SW tank. This should be interesting. :good:

So if your not going reef I'm assuming your going FOWLR?

O wait, are you just sticking to fw, I'm confused with sianeds and your last post

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